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5 common myths about website design - Busted!

The world of web is evolving constantly and new trends in web development keep on emerging every year. It is absolutely necessary to follow trends and be contemporary in this fast changing world of web, making it more accessible to the users, but it is also equally important to understand the myths around these trends to eradicate them.

We at TECHMILIST caught up with a few trends that turned out to be misconceptions, but we managed to break all of them with proper research and understanding. And we want exactly that for you too. We share today 5 important misconceptions that are to be broken as early as possible to make your website more effective in bringing in traffic and increasing leads.

Misunderstood Color psychology

(Myth - Bright, Bold colors are always Attractive) Color psychology is a science of how a color influences the mood of a person. A color can influence your visitors’ response to your website. While that being true, using bright colors without evaluating your end users experience can result in increased bounce rate on your website.

A great website can revolve around the brand’s color palette. This adds authenticity to your website and sub-consciously lets your user retain your brand when ever they come across those colors. Keeping it simple and elegant is the key to making the visitors feel good about your website. Additionally, it’s not one-size-fit-for-all. The mood that a color might evoke in your visitors also depends on different factors like - an emotion that you want to create, the sensibilities and beliefs of your target audience etc. Color psychology can be applied for background, headlines, buttons, pop-ups, etc in your website. Do research before applying the principles of color psychology to your website.


Failing in presenting information in consumable format

(Myth - Attractive designs are key to attract and retain viewers) While a website is built to convey about a product, service or an event, designing the most design heavy page doesn't play a key role in converting your visitors into customers/clients. The most important things are : The offers that you provide, a promise that you can serve your customer/client better than a competitor and most of all - presenting all this information in a user-friendly and easy to consume format A well presented content, which is consumable along with a great design is the key to the door of retention on your website. Focus on your target audience (their age, your services to them, etc.) and build personas that can best help in evaluating you web pages.


Misinterpreted vocabulary

(Myth : Rich vocabulary or Jargons will make me the Subject Matter Expert)

Not really. The language that you use for the content in your website explains the products or the services you offer. If your business is offering services that are fully technical in nature, usage of jargons or tech vocabulary totally makes sense. However, it is a great practice to add more details / context / meaning when difficult vocabulary is used.

Using rich vocabulary that your target audience cannot understand does more harm than good. In fact, you might lose many visitors from becoming your customers/clients. Be simple and creative with your content. Tell your business’s story, address their problems and provide solutions.

Make sure that the content is not a monologue where you are just talking about something. Make them feel like you are talking to them. Well, at the end of the day we are all Humans and love conversations that help us with our problems.


Under Estimating Empty Spaces/ Whitespace

(Myth : Empty spaces are no good and should be utilized to provide as much information as we can)

People have this tendency to use every empty space. But remember, overloaded content will overwhelm the readers. They might leave your web page without fully reading what you or your page has to offer.

Empty spaces helps in making the content readable, highlights your CTAs (Call to Actions) and makes your site easily navigable to the visitors.

There should be a fine balance between the content and empty spaces and that increases your site’s readability and accessibility to the visitors.


Overuse of CTA ( Call to Acton ):

(Myth : More CTA's is equal to more the leads.)

Too many CTA’s will confuse the readers and there is a high chance of them leaving without clicking on any of the buttons/links.

Your Visitor to Customer / Client conversion rate highly depends on the CTA's you provide. So they should not lead the readers to multiple options. Instead have one effective CTA that leads them to one direction, that is contacting you or subscribing for your services.


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